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Eduardo Fontoura Secures £140,000 Victory For Client Injured In Workplace Accident

Posted on 11 十月 2020
Eduardo Fontoura Secures £140,000 Victory For Client Injured In Workplace Accident
Mr A suffered a horrific injury whilst working as a picker at a recycling yard. He was walking in the yard when a colleague threw a large object from the ground above which hit him on the head leaving him temporarily paralysed.

The family of Mr A, a Portuguese citizen, contacted Eduardo Fontoura as they wanted a solicitor who could assist them in their native language.

The Defendant denied liability until the end despite Eduardo fighting tooth and nail to obtain an admission of liability. Even with there being evidence in the form of ambulance records and photographs taken at the scene of the accident, the Defendant was not convinced that the injuries that Mr A sustained were caused by the accident .

In spite of their insistence that they were not at fault for the accident, Eduardo managed to settle the matter on an informal basis and obtained over £70,000 in damages with another £70,000 set to follow in costs for the client.
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